The Pindaya Caves of Wonder


Many Gold Buddhas
Buddhas Everywhere!

I stepped into the glorious Pindaya caves. Golden Buddhas of all sizes, everywhere, everywhere. From the highest place in ceiling to the lowest place on the floor, the Buddha dominated the scene. In front of me was a pagoda. We walked halfway around this and explored the larger cave through the narrow passageway.

DCIM100GOPROGOPR3180.I saw a maze, and immediately walked inside, before my parents. I had to backtrack, because I had entered the wrong way! We went to the top of the “hill”, and turned left. It was a dead end, but there was a cool little meditation cave that inspired me. I included it in one of my stories, Straight from Bed to Fame. We eventually got out of the maze, but it was tough.

Meditation Cave Pano
Meditation Cave Pano

DragonsWe ventured through the caves, eventually finding Buddhas guarded by dragons, some dragons scary, some not so much. Some dragons where also two-headed, and each neck had a fan, like a cobra’s fan. We eventually found the end. I went back to the maze, because I wanted to see the little room I had chosen for my story. I kept going back to that dead end, but I couldn’t see the entrance to the meditation cave, because of the angle I was looking at. After about three runs of the whole maze, I finally looked in the right place. It wasn’t obvious. I entered, and looked for a place that would be okay for my story. I found a tiny slide in the darkest niche of the room, perfect for my story! We walked out happy, thinking that we might go back there, because it was so amazing.

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